Referee Pants REEQ Pro

  • Referee Pants Reeq Pro are new pants since season 2022/23 based on model Reeq Combo with small narrowing of the pants.
  • New Sizing chart available in photogallery. You can find there advice for choose right size.
  • Very comfortable referee pants. It is a “Canadian style” trousers used mainly overseas and international referees.
  • Pants with built-in hip, thigh, tailbone and kidney protection.
  • Part of the pants is a removable protective kidney strip which protects the lower part of the ribs and the whole lumbar part of the body.
  • Plastic pads on coccyx can be removed if someone prefers soft brace.
  • Pants have three pockets.
  • Part of the pants is adjustable band.
  • To hold hockey braces serves six metal buttons.
  • Available in regular sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL.
  • Available in longer sizes: M+, L+, XL+
  • Material 100% polyester. Pads are from polyethylen.
  • Sizing chart – waist/leg length in cm:  XS = 75/104, S = 85/110, M = 95/115, M+ = 95/120, L = 100/120, L+ = 100/125, XL = 105/125, XL+ = 105/130
  • Waist is from rubber material and it means that size of waist upper is minimum size and it can be stretch.
  • If you need more information please contact us.
